3 Reasons To Have An Office Water Cooler

With the work from home order rescinded in England again, workers will be slowly heading back to the office – maybe not all at once, and maybe not full time. But either way, it means business owners need to consider the health and wellbeing of employees in the workplace.

As well as enhanced hygiene measures to help keep the coronavirus at bay, having a water cooler will help encourage employees to keep hydrated, refreshed, and maintain their health. It will also provide those ‘water cooler’ moments that so many workers have missed while working from home.

Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of getting a water cooler for the office

A Water Cooler Encourages Company Culture

A positive vibe and a strong sense of ‘Go, team!’ Can go a long way towards the success of your company. The water cooler can provide a natural gathering spot for work colleagues, and far from wasting time chatting, it provides a social environment rather than a working one, which helps build teams that work better together.

Encourages Casual Chat with Management

Management are often in their own offices away from those they manage, and this can create problems with communication. The water cooler can provide a casual, social atmosphere where management and workers can meet and chat, helping to break down barriers and help create a more cohesive team that communicates better at all levels.

Everyone Needs a Time Out During the Day

No matter your industry, most workplaces are filled with pressure, and everyone needs to get up out of their chair and walk away from their desk now and then if only to stretch their legs and loosen up. The water cooler can be an oasis of calm for all workers, providing a chance to stop, enjoy a drink of cool and refreshing water and gather their thoughts before back to work.

If you’re looking for a water cooler maintenance service, talk to us today.

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